Sheet Metal Workers’ & Roofers’

Local 30

A strong and dynamic union with a proud history of service to its membership.

Established In


You belong to a strong and dynamic union with a proud history of service to its membership.

Primarily, sheet metal workers fabricate and install ductwork for air handling systems. 

Roofers remove and install all types of roofing and apply vapour barriers, insulation and waterproofing.

Siders and deckers install any and all materials used for sheeting, cladding and roof decking.

Production workers manufacture and assemble production items in sheet metal shops.

Contact Local 30 Today

Let’s talk. Send us a message and we will get back as soon as possible.

Get In Touch

Sheet Metal Strike Vote

Sheet Metal and Roofers Local 30 is seeking experienced trades people:

-Flat roofers

-Siders & Deckers

-Sheet Metal Apprentices

-Sheet Metal Journeypersons

For more information, please contact our Organizing Department at 416-299-7260


Sheet Metal Workers’ and Roofers’ Local Union #30 Apprentice Intake

                                              Local Union #30 Apprentice Intake Information

The Apprentice intake is FULL!!