A roofer is a skilled tradesperson who installs a waterproof membrane on a building that has either a flat or sloped deck consisting of wood, steel or concrete. The most commonly used roofing product is a layer of asphalt paper embedded in hot asphalt up to four times over a layer or layers of rigid board insulation, which in turn is covered with a ballast called pea gravel that is also embedded in hot asphalt. It is also common to use a single-ply rubber membrane that is laid over rigid board insulation or to use rolls of modified bitumen paper that is applied by using a propane torch and melting the product over a flat surface.
Most crews in the ICI roofing industry consist of five to eight workers with a foreman, two journeymen and the rest of the crew consisting of material handlers and apprentices. Roofers use many types of roofing equipment to perform their work, including overhead hoists, bobcats, asphalt kettles and conveyor belts. Strength, agility and a willingness to work in extreme weather conditions are the characteristics of the average roofer. Knowledge of the various types of roofing systems is also essential to a successful career in roofing.
Trabalhadores de Telhados é uma das profissões que instala membranas impermeáveis em edifícios. Estas membranas podem ser aplicadas diretamente ao cimento,madeira e também em superfícies inclinadas. Uma das aplicações mais comum consiste em asfalto e papel produzido para esta aplicação, e este sistema pode ser aplicado directamente ao cimento mas, o mais comum deste sistema é aplicado por cima da isolação rigida e requer um processo de aplicação de quatro vezes asfalto e o papel intrigado no asfalto e no final da instalação do asfalto e papel o sistema é coberto com uma camada de asfalto e ao mesmo tempo o asfalto é coberto com cascalho (brita) . Outra aplicação comum é a aplicação da tela que pode ser aplicado directamente no cimento mas também a aplicação por cima da isolação rígida própria para poder suportar o calor requerido para esta aplicação pois este sistema requer um maçarico para derreter o produto. Outro sistema comum é a aplicação da membrana de borracha (epdm) . Estes são os mais comuns pois há mais sistemas de membranas impermeáveis.
Em geral na maioria de certos projectos comerciais e industriais (ici) é preciso uma equipa de cinco a oito trabalhadores que inclui um capataz e a equipa de trabalhadores é constituída por várias classificações desde o aprendiz ao capataz.
Nesta profissão os trabalhadores são treinados em segurança no trabalho e treinados para usar os vários tipos de equipamentos requeridos para todo este processo . Esta profissão requer uma certa condição física pois os trabalhadores não só estão expostos ás condições do trabalho como também ás mudanças climáticas. Conhecimento das várias aplicações dos sistemas de Telhados é essencial para uma carreira com bastante sucesso.
Monthly dues for roofer members are deducted by employers and remitted to the union on their behalf. Currently, dues are $50.00 per month for active members. Since monthly dues are not deducted when members are not working, it is important that members pay their dues directly to the local union when they are not working so that they can maintain good standing membership. It is also a good idea to have your dues paid in advance in order to be eligible for the most benefits that are available by virtue of union membership.
Dues may be paid in the following ways:
Paid in person at the Union office with Cash, Visa, MasterCard, Debit or Cheque
Via Mail to the Union office by cheque or money order;
Via Telephone to the Union office with Visa or MasterCard
Via Direct Withdrawal from your bank account (contact the Union office for forms and information about the Direct Withdrawal Plan) [Note: This plan is not practical for roofer members because of the monthly dues check off]
Any post-dated cheques will be held and deposited as dated.
An income tax receipt will be issued by the local union for dues.
Please make sure to download the form. (It may not save your filled information if you open it in a browser).
Follow this link to download a program to open the PDF if you do not already have one: https://get.adobe.com/reader/
Life Insurance: $75,000
Accidental Death & Dismemberment: $100,000
Disability Income: $1,750 Monthly, commencing with the 17th week of continuous Total Disability. Payable to the earliest of death, recovery or attainment of Age 65. Any occupation. Taxable Benefit.
Life Insurance
Prescription Drug Plan: Pays 100% of reasonable and customary charges for medications prescribed by a physician or dentist, and dispensed by a pharmacist, physician or dentist, provided that the prescription is for the treatment of illness or injury.
Dental Plan: Comprehensive Plan providing Benefits for routine preventive dentistry, extractions and fillings, endodontia and periodontia, inlays, onlays, crowns, bridges and dentures. Claims are paid according to the 2022 Ontario Dental Association Fee Guide, General Practice.
Visioncare Plan – Maximum Benefit:
Major Medical Plan: Pays 100% of the reasonable and customary charges incurred for a broad range of medical services and supplies, including the services of a medical doctor and hospital charges incurred outside Ontario in the event of an unexpected illness or accident.
Covered Persons: Members who have earned sufficient Contributions, as set out in this Booklet, as well as the Member’s Spouse and unmarried dependent children. “Children” includes the Member’s blood children, step-children, legally adopted children, and those children for whom the Member has legal custody pursuant to a Court Order, provided the child is at least 24 hours old and under Age 22, or under Age 26 if a full-time student. Members and dependents must reside in Canada.
Special Note: If the Life Insurance, A.D. & D., or Disability Income Benefit is increased, or decreased, at any time in the future, the change will not apply to you if you are disabled on the effective date of the change. You will remain covered by the Benefit that was in force at the onset of your disability, and you will be covered by the new Benefit which you have recovered and returned to work, or are available for work assuming you are still insured by the Plan. Before you use benefits please contact the Benefits Office to see if you are eligible yet.
45 McIntosh Drive Markham, ON L3R 8C7
Telephone: (905) 946-9700 or Toll Free at 1-800-263-3564
Fax Number: (905) 946-2635 ALL
For a more detailed listing please refer to your Health & Welfare Plan in the little green binder.
Here is a list of hospitals that Your benefits will cover: