Update notice from the Provincial Building Trades

Good Afternoon,

Last week we sent out a safety bulletin and accompanying fact sheets intended to be distributed to members and placed on worksites.  After sending out the documents we were advised by the Ministry of Labour Training & Skills Development (MLTSD) that recent changes to the Reopening Ontario Act have included the use of both masks and eye protection when working within 2 metres of another worker (both indoors and outdoors).  This is a requirement even when both workers are wearing masks.  It is also important to note that prescription eye glasses without side shields would not be considered adequate eye protection.  Previously, this was only required during the interaction with the public but it has since changed.

We have updated the materials to include the requirement to wear both masks and eye protection when workers are working within 2 meters both inside and outside.

Please see chart below for a breakdown.

If you require additional clarification please contact Carmine Tiano either by email carmine@ontariobuildingtrades.com or call him at (416) 899-7913.


Connie Hachey

Administrative Assistant

Provincial Building & Construction Trades Council of Ontario